Neem Powder Dried Leaf Pure & Natural Raw Vegan (Azadirachta indica) organic

  • Benefits of neem leaves for skin
            - Treats acne
            - Reduces blemishes
            - Soothes irritated skin
            - Fights signs of ageing
            - Moisturises skin
  • Benefits of neem leaves for hair
           - Treats dandruff and itchy scalp
           - Promotes hair growth
           - Prevents premature greying
           - Hydrates dry ends

How To Make Neem Tea?: Guided Recipe

The most common neem tea recipe includes:

  • Boiling water.
  • Adding a few leaves of fresh or dry neem leaves.
  • Tea leaves.
  • Letting it steep for about 10 minutes before drinking.


  • Neem leaves or Neem capsule
  • Tea leaves
  • Springwater
  • Lemon
  • Cinnamon, peppermint, fennel seeds, and other flavorings
  • Sweetener (honey, sugar, etc.)