1PCS Portable Dowsing Rod Water Detector Tool Adjustable Rods Flexible4884
Application: the dowsing rods are usually applied to ghost , divining water, looking for lost things and so on; Retractable Dowsing Rod- Made of stainless steel, it is easy to carry and stretch, and the center shaft design is flexible. It will be affected by the external world and energy properties of different things. It can be used to look for the vein, water, crypt, people or something else
Usage: hold the handle, make the pin turning freely, peace your heart at same time; Think then tell the dowsing rod what you are looking for
DOWSING ROD- This pair of dowsing rods is a blend of brass and WATER DOWSING RODS- These rods are excellent tools for finding ground water on your property; The detailed instruction book will provide the needed information for amateurs, rookies, or the experienced diviner; Remember, divining rods are an art as much as a science, so practice, discipline, and persistence are a must
DIVINING RODS- These rods are called by a number of names: divining rods, doodlers, water doodlers, dowsing rods, copper dowsing rods, L-Rods, and more; They have many names because they many purposes, which vary based on the intent of the person utilizing them
DOWSING RODS WITH HANDLES- These have beautifully crafted handles for comfortably holding and divining with them for extended periods of time; They smoothly move and swing freely, to allow for proper divination and not be biased by the slight tremors or shakes of the natural human

History Dowsing as a science has been around since the 1500s. It was referenced by scholars like , Samuel Sheppard, and Casely. It was used initially in the hunt for water at the ground. It grew in popularity when a philosopher wrote of the experiences of . Teresa of Spain. . Teresa of Spain, a Catholic saint, was gifted a plot of land to establish