Dual-Phase Depolarization AnalysisJean Pierre Ibar

Art Nr.: 3110756692

ISBN 13: 9783110756692

Subtitle: Interactive Coupling in the Amorphous State of Polymers

Release year: 2022

Published by: Walter De Gruyter

Cover: Buch

Cover Format: 241x177x38 mm

Pages: 585

Weight: 1128 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Jean Pierre Ibar

This book focuses on the characterization of the amorphous phase of polymers, whether they are pure amorphous or semi-crystalline ones, above Tg or below Tg, by studying the relaxation of dipoles and space charges naturally found in their structure after they have been activated by the application of a voltage field. The experimental deconvolution of the relaxation modes responsible for internal motion in the amorphous phase is coupled with a mathematical procedure (Thermal-Windowing Deconvolution-TWD) that leads to the understanding of their coupling characteristics which, it is shown, relate to the state of the material itself, for instance its non-equilibrium state or its internal stress for matter belonging to interfaces between aggregated or dispersed phases.
Information of Author
Jean Pierre Ibar, New School Polymer Physics, University of the Basque Country, Spain.