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This is a rare magazine from The Official Star Wars Fact File series. Issue 6. Published in 2002.


Escape from Hoth (HOT 7-12)

Flight of the Millennium Falcon after the battle on the ice planet.

C-3PO: Reluctant hero (SEE 7-10)

How a timid protocol droid became vital to the success of the Rebellion.

Viceroy Nute Gunray (GUN 1-4)

Neimoidian leader of the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo.

Otoh Gunga (NAB 5-8)

The hidden city beneath the waters of Naboo, home to the Gungan people.

Arakyd Probot Series (PRO 1-2)

The Imperial probes used in the search for the Rebel base.

Han Solo's DL-44 blaster (BLA 1-2)

The customized weapon made famous by the smuggler and Rebel hero.

Naboo Royal Starship (NAB 1-2)

The elegantly crafted ship used as Queen Amidala's official transport.

See my other listings for more Star Wars Fact File issues and more Star Wars items.


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