Eulychnia Castanea 'Spiralis' is a unique monstrose cactus, having a strange growth form in 'blobs' with a compressed spine cluster in a fan around each of the joints.  It slowly adds extra sections growing as a columnar monstrose plant.  All plants originate from just one monstrose plant and are the same clone.  It can only be propagated vegetatively and the usual way is by grafting or rooting cuttings which is a slow method of propagation.  . Unlike most cacti, the growing point is not at the tip of the plant is dormant.  It grows from between the horizontal 'ribs'.

We have, for the first time, managed to have a rare cristate form of this unusual plant. It has been grown from a cutting and we only expect to have one or two to list each year at the most.  It is a fascinating plant with rows of spines, the best description is to see the photo of the plant listed here.

The plant listed here has been originally grown as a rooted cutting and is 10cms across.  It has not been grafted. It is the plant in the photo. 

We've been growing cacti and succulents since 1975 and regularly give talks at BCSS branch meetings and judge cactus shows during the summer. If you're not a member of the British Cactus & Succulent Society,  have a look at their website, most branches have regular monthly meetings and there's always a warm welcome for prospective new members.