A History of Magic is a book written by Bathilda Bagshot, one of the most eminent magical historians to date. It covers the history of the wizarding world up to the end of the 19th century. Our book is designed, written and packaged by hand by Mondomago and contains:
☞ Introduction;
☞ First Steps;
☞ Magic’s Beginnings;
☞ Early Magical Communities;
☞ Early Magical Advances;
☞ Major Religions and Magic;
☞ Witch-hunts;
☞ British Wizarding Villages;
☞ Britishi Magical History;
☞ Hermione’s travel notes.

Hardcover Version:
Dimensions: 12x15x2
Language: 🇬🇧
Pages: 237 readable pages
Cover material: rigid cardboard
Dust jacket material: paper
Pages material: ivory paper
Finishing: gold (dust jacket, outside and inside of the cover)