Father Muller Dental Powder It helps to form a robust, secure and long-lasting bond between dentures and gums. It is beneficial to prevent bleeding of the gums, offensive breath and pyorrhea.

Key Ingredients:-

Hekla lava

Key Benefits:-

It helps to control denture odour and possesses a fresh and pleasant taste
It is effective in the management of pyorrhoea and provides relief from toothache
It helps to provide relief from tooth sensitivity, spongy, bleeding gums and prevents the formation of tartar
It consists of cinnamomum that helps to relieve toothache and acts as a mouth freshener
It helps to remove bad breath and contains anti-bacterial properties
It protects from all sorts of dental problems and helps with sensitive teeth

Direction For Use:

Apply a little quantity on gums and teeth, rub gently with a finger and allow to remain for five minutes, then gargle with water two times a day

Safety Information:-

Keep away from direct sunlight
Store in a cool and dry place
Read the label carefully before use
Keep out of the reach of children