The Deep & Dark BlueNiki Smith

Art Nr.: 0316486019

ISBN 13: 9780316486019

Release year: 2020

Published by: Grand Central Publishing

Cover: Taschenbuch

Cover Format: 212x149x20 mm

Pages: 256

Weight: 533 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Niki Smith


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'After a terrible political coup usurps their noble house, Hawke and Grayson flee to stay alive and assume new identities, Hanna and Grayce. Desperation and chance lead them to the Communion of Blue, an order of magical women who spin the threads of reality to their will. As the twins learn more about the Communion, and themselves, they begin to hatch a plan to avenge their family and retake their royal home. While Hawke wants to return to his old life, Grayce struggles to keep the threads of her new life from unraveling, and realizes she wants to stay in the one place that will allow her to finally live as a girl.'--Provided by publisher.
Information of Author
Niki Smith is a cartoonist based out of Munich. She is a Lambda Literary Award-nomindated author for Crossplay, has been digitally published by DC Comics and The Nib, and has contributed to the Lambda Literary Award-winning Beyond anthology. This is her debut middle grade novel.
Children's Books / Ages 9-12 Graphic Novels JUVENILE FICTION / Comics & Graphic Novels / Fantasy JUVENILE FICTION / Comics & Graphic Novels / Action & Adventure JUVENILE FICTION / Royalty JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy & Magic JUVENILE FICTION / LGBTQ+