Hardcover Notizbuch Restauration Mini LiniertPaperblanks

Art Nr.: 1439772096

ISBN 13: 9781439772096

Release year: 2021

Published by: Paperblanks Ltd.

Cover: Paperblanks

Cover Format: 153x113x35 mm

Pages: 240

Weight: 260 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Paperblanks

Nobility and grace are restored in our filigreed Restoration design. Originally crafted in 1675 by the Queens' Binder 'A,' the balance of open space and intricate elements make it a shining jewel of the period. The binding was created to hold The Government of the Tongue by Richard Allestree, provost of Eton College. Original Art: Binding for Richard Allestree's The Government of the Tongue. Era: 1675. Region: England.
Information of Author