Osprey Men-at-Arms:


  • Often overshadowed by the drama of its catastrophic collapse in the November 1917 Revolution, the Imperial Russian Army's record in 1914-16 included some notable victories.
  • Its human qualities of patriotism and endurance were remarkable, and in 1916 the 'Brusilov Offensive' on the South-Western Front outdistanced anything that was being achieved in France. 

  • The variety and romance of its uniforms - infantry and cavalry, Guards and Line, Cossacks, armour and Air Service crewmen, even a priest - are splendidly captured here by Russia's leading military artist, and Nik Cornish's expert text is supported by tables of insignia and many rare photographs.

Autor: Nick Cornish, Osprey Publishing, 48 Seiten, ErstausgabeFull color artwork, photographs, unrivaled detail, clothing and equipment.

Versand & Verpackung: € 2,00  Shipping & packing within EU, DHL large letter: € 3,95 

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