Tankograd 3017 MASSTER - MERDC - DUALTEX Multi-Tone Camouflage Schemes on Vehicles of the USAREUR in the Cold War

In the 1970s the US Armed Forces intended to replace the olive drab mono-color camouflage with a new modern multi-tone camouflage pattern. These efforts led to three major trials that were carried out to a great deal with US units on West German soil. The multi-tone camouflage schemes MASSTER, MERDC and DUALTEX would up till the late 1980s dominate the look of US Army vehicles on Central European roads. This publication tells the background story of these three camouflage pattern trials underlined by contemporary indicative color photographs and modern computer-enhanced color samples. This is the first comprehensive and fully illustrated documentation on the subject. Quantity Photos and Illustrations: 107 color photographs, 19 b&w photographs, 10 graphics and 19 color samples Text - Language: English text Number of Pages: 64

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