Antioch AE (Bronze, 11,31g, 24mm) issue: Seleucid era, year 272 (41/40 BC) Syria, Antioch AE (Bronze, 11,31g, 24mm) issue: Seleucid era, year 272 (41/40 BC)
Obv: laureate head of Zeus, r.
Rev: ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟ (to r., downwards in two lines) ΤΗΣ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ (to l., downwards in two lines), ΒΟϚ; Zeus seated l., holding Nike and sceptre; date in exergue on thunderbolt; above Zeus, thunderbolt
Ref: I №: 4223, McAlee 56
Year: 1st century BC.
Diameter: 24 mm
Weight: 11.31 g
Material: Bronze


REF: BB-7-113