Trials and the Courts (Criminal Justice (Chelsea)) von Colin Evans

Art Nr.: 1604136162
ISBN 13: 9781604136166
B-Nr: INF1000264966
ReleaseYear: 2010
Published by: Chelsea House Pub
Cover: Bibliothekseinband
Cover Format: 236x165x13 mm
Pages: 125
Weight: 443 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Colin Evans

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Once the evidence is gathered and a suspect is in custody, the legal process begins. Trials and the Courts walks readers through every aspect of a criminal legal case, from the arrest and charges filed to arraignment to plea-bargaining or trial to conviction or acquittal, and finally sentencing and the appeal process. This title describes the nature of criminal defense and the role of the prosecutor, explaining the criteria for determining guilt or innocence, and how the jury system functions. The comprehensive book also discusses victim's rights and the rights of the accused and explores the media's role in 'show trials.'

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