America's Prisons: The Movement Toward Profit and Privatization von Curtis R. Blakely

Art Nr.: 158112435X
ISBN 13: 9781581124354
B-Nr: INF1100357180
SubTitle: The Movement Toward Profit and Privatization
ReleaseYear: 2005
Published by: Brown Walker Press
Cover: Taschenbuch
Cover Format: 216x140x7 mm
Pages: 124
Weight: 168 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Curtis R. Blakely

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This reader introduces the student to prison management. Particular interest is given the increased role of profit in the application of punishment. Profit and prison privatization are viewed within their larger context. As such, public and private prison operations are compared. Part of this comparison takes place through situating each sector upon an ideological continuum. This placement helps indicate the direction being taken by the contemporary prison. It further reveals that tomorrow's prisons may be less driven by traditional objectives and more driven by the notions of profit and efficiency.