WEBB'S - THE WORLD'S MOST UNUSUAL DRUG STORE, ST. PETERSBURG. FLORIDA BETE ASS Florida is indeed the favored child of Nature. Beauty has been bestowed with lavish hand on this enchan State of the South. The Royal Poinciana Tree with color, the bougainvillea vines, the hundreds of tro pical flowering trees and shrubs, the graceful SpaY 20 unite in making Florida an Earthly Paradise. S 1 PM 1959 FLA Greetings from St. Petersburg. drove down & arrived here monday. On to Miami Beach & It. Lauderdale Ann & Sherbert SBURG U.S. POSTAGE 24 GOD WE TRU HELP GOODWILL INDUES HELP THE HAC POST CARD LIBERTY Mrs. Lida Bright 2211 W. Rogers Ave Baltimore-9 Ind.