Certified High-grade 8mm Deep Yellow Butterscotch Amber DIY Beaded Necklace, Natural flows, Nanhong Agate + Green Nephrite + Green Malachite|帝王黄蜜蜡妖花DIY项链多圈,天然流淌纹,南红碧玉孔雀石



Butterscotch Amber is amorphous. Some Butterscotch Amber with loose tissue and no other minerals can float in water. Butterscotch Amber friction generates a static charge, which can absorb paper, iron filings, and other light items. Butterscotch Amber is an organic mineral, rich in texture, colorful, versatile, and valuable. Like other natural gemstones, it enjoys the reputation of being "the star of the earth". Butterscotch Amber contains countless colors, some transparent and bright, some translucent, and some opaque but colorful. There are many colors if exposed to light.


According to geological research, Butterscotch Amber was petrified from pine, cypress, and maple resin in the Eocene and Cretaceous ages as far back as 30 to 100 million years ago. Butterscotch Amber is a precious natural treasure that nature bestows on human beings. Its formation process has to go through tens of millions of years, during which it has gone through the vicissitudes of life, and it has added countless magnificent colors. It's beautiful, magical, and constantly amazes everyone. Moreover, the texture of Butterscotch Amber is delicate; the touch feeling is moist and mild, not as cold as other gems.


One piece of Butterscotch Amber contains a whole world of beauty. The honey color is flowing. Some Butterscotch Amber is not only pleochroic but also responds differently to different light sources. Both beautiful and magical, these are the unique features of Butterscotch Amber, which can hardly show in other jewelry. 


Natural Butterscotch Amber is a non-renewable gemstone resource. With the gradual exhaustion, its value will continue to rise every year.


Efficacy and function


1. Butterscotch Amber can help us focus, refresh, relieve eye fatigue, and reduce the body's reaction when people are tense. For example, some people will turn red when they are nervous, or their bodies will tremble. Butterscotch Amber can help you calm your mind and make you less distracted by the outside world. It can also improve your balance ability, especially when standing at a high place, and reduce your psychological burden.

1. 蜜蜡可以帮助我们其中注意力,提神,缓解眼睛的疲劳,也可以减少人在紧张时身体的反应,比如有些人一紧张脸会红,或是身体会颤抖,蜜蜡石都可以帮助你镇定心神,让你受外界的干扰变小。还可以提高你的平衡能力,特别是站在高处时,减轻你的心理负担。

2. Butterscotch Amber contains numerous medicinal mineral elements and cosmic trace elements that benefit the human body. The body naturally absorbs it slowly over time when worn on the hand. First absorbed by the skin, it enters the heart through the blood and then circulates throughout the body, relieving the disease and strengthening the body.

2. 蜜蜡内均含着无数对人体有益的药用矿物元素及宇宙微量元素,佩戴在手,日积月累,身体自然慢慢吸收。首先被皮肤吸收,经血液进入心脏,然后再由血液运行遍及全身,把疾病改善,更能起治病强体之用。

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