The Posh House - Mattress Stain Remover with Dust Mite Inhibitor - 500ml, Clear

The Posh House Luxury Mattress Stain Remover with Dust Mite Inhibitor will remove stubborn, dried-in organic stains and embedded dirt, leaving your mattress looking spotlessly clean. It also leaves your mattress fresh and helps eliminate unpleasant odours. This brilliant stain remover is extremely easy to use, just spray and leave - no scrubbing required! Can be used as: A urine stain remover - Removes urine and associated odours, even when the stains are aged. A faeces stain remover - Great for removing faecal stains and odours. A mattress cleaner - Perfect for removing marks and stains from general mattress use. The Posh House Luxury Mattress Stain Remover with Dust Mite Inhibitor can be used on all types of mattresses including Memory Foam. In addition to mattresses, you can use this product on other fabrics and upholstery to remove organic stains (remember to check on an inconspicuous area before use).
<5% Oxygen Based Bleaching Agents
Mattress Stain Remover with Dust Mite Inhibitor Ideal for cleaning all organic stains No scrubbing required! Just spray and leave to remove tough mattress stains Tackles dried in and fresh stains, penetrates deep into the fibres to lift mattress stains with ease Made in Great Britain