Vintage Batman dealer Poster/postcard introducing the new Moebius plastic model kits from the 1966 TV series. These are pretty rare and not often seen would look great framed and in a Batman collection

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We do not ship on Weekends Holidays or after 3:00pm on most days if you have not received a tracking number or an email from us stating we shipped then your items have not been mailed yet.I do not guarantee deliver times we ship out fast as we can.Sometimes it takes longer that what Ebay would like but I work for myself not Ebay they don't control what goes on in issues, shutdowns, hazards and such so I can't follow what they dictate to the letter please understand this before bidding or buying.WE sell many vintage and antique toys and collectibles. We sell them as a collectible and not to be played with or used but just to be collected or admired, because much of the value is in the rarity and the packaging.