This item was tested on video and is guaranteed to work properly. Cleaned but will need to be cleaned again before use. Fits in large priority shipping box.

Lympha Press PCD Device is a sequential compression system specially designed for efficient reduction and management of venous edema. Phlebo Press can be especially helpful for treating chronic venous insufficiency and healing venous stasis ulcers. The device applies pressure to the legs intermittently which mimic the action of the foot pump pushing the blood upwards in the veins of the leg increasing the return of the blood to the heart. This replicates the effect of normal walking, helps oxygenate the tissue, and removes edema, promoting healing of venous stasis ulcer. Removing the stagnant edema allows for better nourishment and oxygenation of the tissues, and reduces swelling which will allow the borders of the chronic wounds to close.


Healing of Venous stasis ulcer

Relief for varicose vein condition

Promotion of wound & nervous pain

Relief of discomfort from leg fatigue