The book "Remembering the Kanji: Volume 1" is a popular resource for learning and memorizing kanji, which are the Chinese characters used in the Japanese writing system. It was written by James W. Heisig and first published in 1977.

The book introduces a unique method for learning kanji by breaking them down into smaller components called "primitives" or "building blocks." It focuses on teaching the meaning and writing of each kanji rather than the pronunciation, as the pronunciation of kanji can vary depending on the context.

"Remembering the Kanji: Volume 1" presents the 2,042 most frequently used kanji characters in a specific order that is designed to facilitate memorization. Each kanji is introduced with a mnemonic story that helps learners remember its meaning and writing. The book also provides stroke order diagrams and space for learners to practice writing each kanji.

While the book primarily focuses on kanji recognition and writing, it does not cover vocabulary or grammar. It is often used as a supplement to other language learning resources or textbooks that teach Japanese grammar and vocabulary.

"Remembering the Kanji: Volume 1" is widely regarded as a helpful tool for building a solid foundation in kanji and is recommended for learners of Japanese who want to improve their reading and writing skills.