Search & Rescue ID Card | SAR Drone ID Card

This customisable plastic card can be printed with an optional photo. The card is made from a durable plastic that will fit in your wallet or a standard ID Card holder and lanyard.

The card has a security over-lay marking that utilises the ID number/reference (or other text you use).

The following fields are optional and can also be used for other text (they are there as a suggestion):

- Country
- Organisation
- Team
- Name
- Identification Number
- Position

Customising is really simple:

We will send you a unique link (during business hours) via a message once we receive your order from eBay (this can take several hours).
Click on the link when you receive it and start customising. You will be able to select the design, upload an optional passport style photo and modify each text field. When you click the confirm button it will send it to be printed and dispatched. Its very simple.

To ensure you receive your card worded exactly how you want it and to ensure there are no typos by us, our staff do not have access to customise your card. Only you can do this by using the link we send you.