This autographed book, titled "Just Because" by Matthew McConaughey, is a first edition picture book that will surely captivate readers of all ages. With its beautiful illustrations and relatable themes, this book is perfect for young children and adults alike. The book measures 10.8 inches in length, 8.9 inches in width, and 0.5 inches in height, and it weighs 14.8 ounces. It has 32 pages filled with poems and stories about concepts such as size and shape, self-esteem, values and virtues, emotions and feelings, and more.

Published in 2023 by Penguin Young Readers Group in English, this book is an excellent addition to any collection. Whether you're a fan of McConaughey's work or you simply appreciate well-written children's literature, "Just Because" is a must-read. Plus, it's signed by the author himself! This book belongs in the "Books & Magazines" and "Books" categories, and it's intended for readers of all ages, including those under 2 years old. Get your hands on this amazing book today!