34 of V.C.'s scary twisted Goth novels.
I do not recommend you read them.
buy them, yes, read them, no...
Seller cannot accept responsibility
for results of reading these mass market
pulp fiction fantasies from hell.
   I read them all, so you needn't...
just keep them on the shelf, closed, for that
all important ambiance 

      Cleo Virginia Andrews (June 6, 1923 – December 19, 1986), better known as V. C. Andrews or Virginia C. Andrews, was an American novelist... While her novels are not classified by her publisher as Young Adult, their young protagonists have made them popular among teenagers for decades. After her death in 1986, a ghostwriter who was initially hired to complete two unfinished works has continued to publish books under her name.

   Ships at cost, or pickup for free in Live Free and Die New Hampshire