VHS Video Cassette featuring 1991 BBC Arena Documentary directed by Nigel Finch
Douglas Maxwell, having previously contacted Robert Rauschenberg via mail, arranged a
visit to Captiva in the summer of 1989 during which he conducted a three-hour interview
with Rauschenberg. An edited version of the interview was published in the March/April
1991 issue of Art Line: International Art News. Sometime after conducting the interview,
Maxwell contacted Nigel Finch and Patrick Wall at Arena, BBC Films and their meeting
eventually lead to the making of the 1991 documentary The Other ROCI. Directed by
Nigel Finch and produced by Arena, BBC Films, the film explores the Rauschenberg
Overseas Cultural Interchange (ROCI) and includes footage of Robert Rauschenberg's
meetings with local artists from Tibet, Cuba and Russia, a television interview with the
artist, and commentary by Robert Hughes. Maxwell was in Venice in 1990, along with
Rauschenberg and the BBC crew, where Rauschenberg's work was being shown in the
USSR pavilion at the Venice Biennale.