The story of MEDPAK began in 2014 in lovely and atmospheric Polish city, Krakow. Our idea is to create a place where you can make comprehensive purchases in the field of improving quality of life and health - for you and your loved ones. We offer over 5,000 products, carefully selected to meet all customer requirements.

Vitaler's Dong Quai (Angelica) 500 mg, 60 capsules

Vitaler's Dong Quai is a dietary supplement in capsule form. High-quality Chinese angelica extract (Angelica sinensis), which shows numerous valuable properties on the human body - it supports the hormonal balance of women during menstruation and menopause. Preparation is vegan, without unnecessary additives, fillers and preservatives.

Vitaler's Dong Quai (Chinese angelica)

No fillersNo fillers

Dong Quai, known as Chinese angelica or female ginseng is a plant that has been known for centuries (especially in what is now Asia) and an integral part of traditional Far Eastern medicine.

Dong Quai contains nearly 70 substances belonging to various groups: phytoestrogens, coumarins, polysaccharides, vitamin A, B2, B12, E, iron, magnesium and essential oils. In Chinese medicine, it is recommended for female ailments associated with painful menstruation and menopause.

Chinese angelica is a popular ingredient in dietary supplements that support urogenital function and the overall health of the female body.

Role of angelica in the body:

  • It helps to maintain the normal functioning of the female genitourinary system.


Pack size: 60 capsules

Single serving: 1 capsule

Number of servings per pack: 60

Ingredients1 capsuleRWS
Chinese angelica extract 10:1 500 mg <>

RWS - Daily Reference Intake

<> No Daily Reference Intake


Chinese angelica root extract 10:1, capsule shell (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose).

Directions for use:

1 capsule with a meal.


Hypersensitivity to any of the preparation ingredients. During pregnancy and lactation, consult your doctor or pharmacist before use.


Out of the reach of small children. Store in a dry place, avoid excessive heat. Do not use if the seal under the cap is damaged or missing.


This product is not to be used as a substitute (replacement) for a well-balanced diet. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle is important for the functioning of the human body. Do not exceed the maximum recommended daily dose.


NMM Sp. z o.o.
Bocheńska 3/17
31-061 Kraków


We are thrilled to announce a newly developed product: micronized & unflavored Vitaler's Creatine Monohydrate, which has 200 mesh to ensure the best bioavailibity and absorption. Add it with a special launch's price and we will combine your shipment so shipping cost will only be paid once.

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