new sealed




language subtitles



* Screen Format : 16:9

* Sound Mix : DTS, Dolby 5.1

* DVD Type : DVD-9

Disc One - The Movie 電影版


Director: Guan Xin Hui




  整天厘頭苦幹,夢想考進澳洲醫學院胸肺科的Joanna,一直將成敗得失看得甚重,直至遇到Albert,她的生命才開始改變,懂得以愛醫治受傷的心靈;儘管Albert 患上不治之症,儘管自己因救人而染上疫症……


  Joanna (Ada Choi) from an early age wants nothing more than to become a physician. She later meets Albert (Tse Kwn Ho), a cancer survivor and fellow doctor. Having been on both sides of the fence, Albert takes Joanna under His wing and teaches her the intricacies of patient care. Soon, what started out as a teacher-student relationship blossoms into romance and the two later consummated their love in matrimony.

  But their happiness is cut short as Albert receives news that His cancer has returned. Despite this devastating turn, Albert never once lost faith. He encourages His wife to carry on even as His body is slowly eaten away by this deadly disease. He believes that God placed her here for a reason and will eventually reveal His plans.

Disc Two - Special Feature 特別收錄

1. 製作特輯 Making-Of

2. 未曝光片段 Unexposed Scene

3. 愛的禮盒(蔡少芬) Box Of Love (Ada Choi)

4. 愛的禮盒(岑建勳、謝寧) Box Of Love (Mr. & Mrs John Shum)

5. 預告 Trailer

6. 影音推介 Recommendations