Calvin the CatfishCalvin Carson

Art Nr.: 1641388641

ISBN 13: 9781641388641

Release year: 2018

Published by: Page Publishing, Inc.

Cover: Buch

Cover Format: 286x221x7 mm

Pages: 34

Weight: 417 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Calvin Carson


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I wanted to write a book from a fishs perspective of survival amid the uncertainty of everyday life. Calvins survival depends on his ability to deal with the situations that he can control and coping with man-made disasters. I finished this book during the B. P. Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. This was the worst man-made disaster in history. The Horizon oil spill had a devastating effect on sea life, plant life, water quality, not counting the loss of billions of dollars and livelihoods for millions of people for years and years to come. We need clean air, clean water, food, and sunshine to survive. Lets listen to the fish! Thanks, Calvin the Catfish