Células Madre de Manzana: fortalecen, hidratan y protegen la fibra capilar.

Keratina: añade brillo y vitalidad al cabello.

Colágeno: proporciona fuerza y protege la fibra capilar.

El SHAMPOO MATIZADOR NEGRO ha sido formulado para matizar e intensificar los tonos castaños y negros. Contribuye a reavivar el tono negro del cabello, especialmente para aquellos con tendencias grises, o con canas neutralizando los tonos amarillos y matizando el cabello gris. Enriquecido con CÉLULAS MADRE DE MANZANA, KERATINA & COLÁGENO, ayuda a fortalecer, hidratar y proteger la fibra capilar, contribuyendo significativamente al brillo, suavidad y humectación del cabello. Además, proporciona una excelente limpieza, acondicionamiento y desenredado con una agradable textura y efecto de Milk Shake

Active Ingredients

The BLACK TONING SHAMPOO has been formulated to tone and intensify brown and black shades. It helps revive the black tone of the hair, particularly for those with gray tendencies, by eliminating yellow undertones and toning gray hair. Enriched with APPLE STEM CELLS, KERATIN & COLLAGEN, it aids in strengthening, hydrating, and protecting the hair fiber, contributing to significant shine, smoothness, and moisture. Additionally, it provides excellent cleansing, conditioning, and detangling wirth a nice Milk shake texture and effect.

LucyGlam wishes to make it clear that it neither owns nor manufactures any products associated with the following brands: Rolda, KUUL, HIDRA, WOW Beauty Factor, and Sanek. LucyGlam operates as a product retailer or supplier and is an independent entity. It is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or associated with the aforementioned brands in terms of ownership or manufacturing.

References to these brands are for informational purposes only, and LucyGlam does not claim any ownership or involvement in the production or distribution of products from these brands. LucyGlam is committed to providing accurate information and transparency about its role as a product retailer or supplier.