I need to sell my collectible item sooner to generate cash.   it is a close down sale. Urgently!!! I am willing to accept an offer for the serious buyer.  This is a very good investment. Price will goes up definitely.  

This is a great set of supportive microphone along the side while recording vocal for home studio.   It is fulfilling up singer's voice and bring up the level of perfection in order to hear every detail while singing songs.   You will enjoy singing more and more.  I use dynamic microphone from Shure Unisphere II for lead vocal and having Sony P56 on both side left and right and setting to high sensitivity.  It makes my voice just like a professional singer. it is highly recommended for those who enjoy singing, sound recording, and podcast on youtube, and live streaming.   The package will come with 2 boxes of Sony P56 Condenser microphone and Sony Power Supply AC 148F 49V Phantom Power PSU.  It is a great set for your collectible item.  Highly recommended!!!