Rare gorgeous figurine made by Thüringian manufacturer Scheibe-Alsbach, dedicated to the French First Empire (1804-1815) and Napoleon Bonaparte. Created between 1962-1972.

Edouard Adolphe Casimir Mortier
Mortier (front)
1768-1835 (back)
Né au Cateau-Cambrésis. Engage 1791. Adjudant 1793. General 1799. Marechal 1804. Duc de Trevise 1807. Commando en Espagne 1809, en Russie 1812. Mouru victime de Fieschi (Born in Cato Cambresi. Recruited into the army in 1791. Adjutant in 1793 General in 1799 Marshal 1804. Duke of Treviso in 1807 Commander of campaigns in Spain 1809, in Russia 1812 Died as a result of the assassination attempt by Fieschi)

The figurine is the part of the collection called "Napoleon and his Warlords", created by Scheibe-Alsbach sculptor Felix Zeh. By 1904, to the 100th anniversary of the First Empire, Zeh and another sculptor of the manufactory, Carl Lyseh, prepared a collection of life-size figures of Napoleon and a number of his military leaders. Since the series was further reissued, the design and assortment of sculptures varies, but the careful elaboration of details of uniforms and awards, along with a square pedestal with golden eagles, a symbol of Napoleonic France, in the corners remain unchanged. The names of the marshals and generals are embossed on the front, the years of life on the back, with a brief biographical note at the bottom.

Mortier was born in a family of a cloth merchant and received a decent education. He helped his father in the trade, but with the beginning of the French Revolution he enlisted in the army. Mortier showed himself more than once on the battlefield as a talented commander. In 1804, he was one of the first to receive the rank of marshal and then commanded the Imperial Guard, Bonaparte's elite troops. During the "Hundred Days" he joined Napoleon, but did not take part in hostilities. Since 1830 he was Ambassador to the Russian Empire court. He was killed by the "infernal machine" developed by the Corsican adventurer Joseph Fieschi (a weapon or shell capable of inflicting numerous casualties), during an assassination attempt on the life of King Louis Philippe in 1835.

Collection is available (please, contact the Seller concerning the amount of figurines)

Weight ca. 406 g/ 14.34 oz, height 25.5 cm/ 10.04 in

Attributed by French auction house (photo is attached)

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