eBay template - ms-plueth

NOCH 62100 - G,0,H0,TT,N,Z aluminum frame system, 120 x 100 cm - new

NOCH 62100 - G,0,H0,TT,N,Z aluminum frame system, 120 x 100 cm - new

Copyright © 2020 Model & Toys Plüth
NOCH 62100 - G,0,H0,TT,N,Z aluminum frame system, 120 x 100 cm - new NOCH 62100 - G,0,H0,TT,N,Z aluminum frame system, 120 x 100 cm - new Delivery form: Aluminum profiles cut to length and connecting elements for assembly, incl. Building instructions. Height 78 cm. Included are 2 aluminum feet, 2 aluminum struts measuring 67.5 cm each and 1 aluminum strut measuring 115 cm each. In connection with the distribution of batteries or with the supply of devices that use batteries As an end user, you are legally obliged to return used batteries. You can use old batteries, that we carry or have carried in our range as new batteries, free of charge at our shipping warehouse (shipping address). The symbols shown on the batteries have the following meaning: The crossed-out wheelie bin symbol m