123 Harlequin Romance Novels
From early 1970s
Great condition, well stored!
  • The Vermilion Gateway by Belinda Dell
  • The Spell of the Enchanter by Margery Hilton
  • Trust in Tomorrow by Margery Hilton
  • The Quiet Veld by Jean Dunbar
  • The Summer Nights by Jean Dunbar
  • The Mster of Barracuda Isle by Hilary Wilde
  • OPeration in Search of Love by Hilary Wilde
  • The Newcomer by Hilda Pressley
  • To the Highest Bidder by Hilda Pressley
  • Harbinger of Spring by Hilda Pressley
  • across the Moors by Peake
  • O Kiss Me, Kate by Valerie Thian
  • Star in a Dark Sky by Dorothy Slide
  • Tiger Hall by Esther Wyndham
  • Homeward the Heart by Elizabeth Hoy
  • The girl from Over the Sea by Nelson
  • One Man's Heart by Mary Burchell
  • the Valley of the Eagles by Eleanor Farnes
  • The Doctor's Circle by Eleanor Farnes
  • Ring of Jade by Margaret Way
  • Blaze of Silk by Margaret Way
  • Castle of the Unicorn by Gwen Westwood
  • THe Keys of the Castle by Barbara Rowan
  • The Case for Nurse Sheridan by Gloria Bevan
  • Attached to Doctor Marchmont by Juliet Shore
  • The Monkey Puzzle by Mary Cummins
  • Masquerade by Anne Mather
  • The Castle of the Seven Lilacs by Violet Winspear
  • Raintree Valley by Violet Winspear
  • Not Wanted on Voyage by Kay Thorpe
  • Curtain Call by Kay Thorpe
  • Along the Ribbonwood Track by Mary Moore
  • Rata Flowers Are Red by Mary Moore
  • Cafe Mimosa by Roumelia Lane
  • The Scented Hills by Roumelia Lane
  • Pathway of Roses by Mary Whistler
  • The Man in the Next Room by Donnelly
  • Halfway to the Stars by Donnelly
  • That Man Next Door by Lucy Gillen 
  • The Girl at Smuggler's Rest by Lucy Gillen
  • Marriage by Request by Lucy Gillen
  • Winter at Cray by Lucy Gillen
  • My Beautiful Heathen by Lucy Gillen
  • Crown of Flowers by Joyce Dingwell
  • A Thousand Candles by Joyce Dingwell
  • Clove Orange by Joyce Dingwell
  • Nickel Wife by Joyce Dingwell
  • The Drummer and the Song by Joyce Dingwell
  • To Marry a Tiger by Isobel Chace
  • HOme Is Goodbye by Isobel Chace
  • The Wealth of the Islands by Isobel Chace
  • The House on Gregor's Brae by Essie Summers
  • South Island Stowaway by Essie Summers
  • No legacy for Lindsay by Essie Summers
  • Return to Dragonshill by Essie Summers
  • Remedy for Love by Flora Kidd
  • My Heart Remembers by Flora Kidd
  • The Unknown Mr. Brown by Sara Seale
  • The Third Uncle by Sara Seale
  • Ripples in the Lake by May Coates
  • That Man Simon by Anne Weale
  • Doctor Westland by Kathryn Blair
  • The Flowering Valley by Juliet Armstrong
  • Man of Destiny by Rose Burghley
  • Chateau of Pines by Iris Danbury
  • Island of Mermaids by Iris Danbury
  • Legend of Roscano by Iris Danbury
  • Gold Is the Sunrise by Anne Hampson
  • Here Came a Tyrant by Anne Hampson
  • Moment of Decision by Jean S Macleod
  • The Way Through the Valley by Jean S Macleod
  • Nurse Afloat by Jane Marnay
  • Child of Music by Mary Murchell
  • Flowers for the Festival by Belinda Dell
  • Wildfire Quest by Jane Arbor
  • The Other Miss Donne by Jane Arbor
  • Walk Into the Wind by Jane Arbor
  • West With the Candles by Betty Neels
  • ON a May Morning by Hilda Nickson
  • Moonlight on the Water by Hilda Nickson
  • Town Nurse/Country Nurse by Marjorie Lewty
  • Fond Deceiver by Pauline Garnar
  • Where Black Swans Fly by Dorothy Gork
  • The Gated Road by Jean S Macleod
  • The Reluctant Governess by Anne Mather
  • Pretence by Roberta Leigh
  • Dear Deceiver by Doris E Smith
  • Happy with Either by Ruth Clemence
  • Kookaburra Dawn by Amanda Doyle
  • Tree of Promise by Juliet Shore
  • A Singing Bird by Stella Frances Nel
  • The Mill in the Meadow by Jane Donnelly
  • Mistress of Elvan Hall by Mary Cummins
  • Chateau of Flowers by Rome
  • Make Way for Tomorrow by Gloria Bevan
  • a Spray of Edelweiss by Katrina Britt
  • Next Door to Romance by Malcolm
  • This Tangled Web by Margaret Malcolm
  • The Head of the House by Margaret Malcolm
  • Doctor Sandy by Margaret Malcolm
  • Those Endearing Young Charms by Margaret Malcolm
  • Windy Night, Rainy Morrow by Ivy Ferrari
  • House of Clouds by Ivy Ferrari
  • Nurse Jane and Cousin Paul by Valerie K Nelson
  • The Post at Gundooee by Amanda Doyle
  • Music of the Heart by Mary Burchell
  • The Pagan Island by Violet Winspear
  • Rival Sisters by Henrietta Reid
  • September Street by Joyce Dingwell
  • Sawdust Season by Kay Thorpe
  • The Leaping Flame by Barbara Cust