It is the original paperback that was fixed into a hardcover.  Notes/underlines are on 5-10 pages.

Moscow, 1925. - 257 p. —

Collection of games with detailed notes. A.A. Alekhine, with his article “The Significance of the Tournament for the Theory of Openings” and with 11 portraits. participants.

Translation from the manuscript by A.A. Alekhina (in German).

Contents: Preface by the authors to the Russian edition.

— N.L. Lederer. Introduction.

— G.R. Bigelo. Viewer's impressions.

— Tournament games [all 110 games].

— The significance of the tournament in New York for the theory of openings [Alekhine’s article with section: 1. Open games. 2. Closed games. 3. The Queen's Gambit, the opening of the queen's pawns and the Dutch game. 4. New methods of play].

— Indexes: openings, games: p. 252-257.

A collection of games with detailed notes by Alexander Alekhine

Международный шахматный турнир в Нью-Йорке 1924

Греков Н., Ненароков В.