Diameter - 18 mm

An unusual  modern strike coin finished in gold plate, EF condition.

 Originally struck in 48 BC

Rome mint. 
Obverse: Head of Vercingetorix right, wearing hair flowing back and long, pointed beard, and a chain around his neck; 
Reverse: Gallic shield to left / Two warriors in galloping biga right: one driving, holding whip in right hand and reins in left, and the other, facing backward, holding shield in left hand and brandishing spear in right; L • HOSTILIVS above, SASERN below

Vercingetorix, chief of the Arverni, led the great Gallic revolt against the Romans in 53-52BC. His name in Gaulish means ‘over-king of warriors’. He was eventually defeated by Caesar at the Battle of Alesia in 52BC and was imprisoned, he died in 46BC.