Excellent condition original 1968 Indianapolis Motor Speedway bronze Indy 500 PIT PASS PIN on the original card.  From the estate collection of a long time UPI photographer that specialized in motor sports.  Card shows water spots, but still presents very well.  Please see photos for more details and to evaluate condition for yourself

This lot comes from the long time collection of a well known professional photographer who worked for UPI and AP providing press photos for for national distribution and who specialized in motor sports, especially The Indy 500.  Please see our other listings over the next few weeks for a large qty of 1960's and early 1970's press pins, tickets, press passes, and hundreds of original race photos and negatives.  

Copy and Paste the below link to our collection of Indy 500 items.  Save us as a favorite seller as this collection is always expanding with great items!
