Organic Milk Kefir Grains live Milk Kefir Grains live Kefir yogurt Grains

10 grams of Organic Kefir Grains enough to make 250ml of Kefir. Milk Kefir Grains double in size over a 14-21 day period, which make them capable of fermenting larger quantities of milk into Kefir. If a single glass of Kefir fulfills your daily needs, the excess grains can be eaten for additional health benefits.

10g of Organic Milk Kefir grains will brew you 250ml every 24-48 hours and you can brew more once they grow.

Once received all Live kefir grains require settling as they adjust to there new environment (they are very temperature sensitive) this takes between 3-5 brews.

Once settled they will make you yummy kefir everyday