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Title:  Christian Unity: An Exposition of Ephesians 4:1 to 16

Author: D.M. Lloyd-Jones

Publisher & Place of Publication: Baker Book House: Grand Rapids, MI

Year:  1987

Number of Pages: 277

Size:   5 3/4"  Width  x  8 3/4" Height


  • see attached photo for list of contents (more contents than pictured)

Underlining/Textual Markings: None

Soundness of Binding: Very Good

Foxing/Spotting: None

Condition: This book is in excellent condition. Dust jacket is very slightly rubbed. Cover and spine are in excellent condition. Spine tips are slightly bumped. Ownership sticker on first page. Pages are crisp, clean, and tidy. Binding is very secure. An informative exposition on this section of Scripture!