Are you The Fortunate Fan who receives The Colossal Collection of  unusual Snicket items? It starts with two published books that were part of the "Series of Unfortunate Events" universe, but not in the series proper: "The Beatrice Letters" and "The Puzzling Puzzles." Both are first editions and add layers of fun and mystery to the Snicket saga. "The Beatrice Letters' is comprised of a beautiful scrapbook-style illustrated text, and a folded map in a portfolio binding. "The Puzzles" is a paperback full of sinister fun.

Also includes all three editions of the "Daily Punctilio," an in-universe 8-page mini "newspaper" given out with Lunchables as a promotion for the 1994 film. They are fantastic, and include classifieds, horoscopes, weather reports, an advice column, and more.

You also receive all four parts of "The Dismal Dinner," a four-episode miniseries written by Lemony Snicket, furthering the Baudelaires' story. Each one also includes either Terrible Tongue Twisters or Ridiculous Riddles--or are they clues? This was another Lunchables tie-in promotional item and very rare!

Lastly, you can add a "Grim Grotto" flashlight to your collection. This was provided to booksellers before the release of that book. It never worked, leading many of us to wonder f that was part of the joke. "The Grim Grotto is dark" indeed!