Playboy Magazine March 2005 CGC 8.0 Paris Hilton Cover, Debbie Gibson Nude!

CGC Cert # 4390633004

v52 #3

Grade 8.0

Page Quality WHITE

Grade Date 03/13/2024

Grader Notes:

light finger bends on cover

light stacking bend

Art Comments:

Cooper, Kolbe, Austen, Palahniuk, Raban, Light,

Fleming & De Acetis text, 20Q w/ Kid Rock

Key Comments:

Jillian Grace centerfold, Paris Hilton cover,

Debbie Gibson pictorial, Dwayne Johnson interview

This magazine is a must-have for any collector or fan of Playboy. Featuring a stunning cover with Paris Hilton and Debbie Gibson's nude pictorial, this March 2005 edition is a true gem. The publication is in great condition, ensuring that it will make a fantastic addition to any collection.

Whether you are a long-time fan of the brand or just starting to explore its rich history, this magazine is a must-have.