
Model Name:Railman Boots Yellow Medicine
Model Number:882004

Height:5 inches

Size:10", 28cm
Outsole: 31.5 cm, Height: 17 cm
Wise: E

Toe: Race toe
Stitching:Single Stitch


Sole: CAT'S PAW sole
Laces: Nylon laces only

The horsehide glass leather will look beautiful for years to come and has an almost dress shoe feel to it.

However, since it has been almost 15 years since purchase, the tongue of the left foot has partially broken off due to age.
The sole is still nearly 90% intact and does not need to be replaced at this time.
Please also check the heel crease and toe crease in the pictures shown.

This is a very thoughtful and beautiful boot that gave me the opportunity to learn the greatness of the replica brand.
These boots have a unique atmosphere and appearance.
I would recommend this pair to those who are looking for boots that are a little different from others.