Steam, Steel and SparkBaby

Art Nr.: 1541904303

ISBN 13: 9781541904309

Subtitle: The People and Power Behind the Industrial Revolution

Release year: 2017

Published by: Baby Professor

Cover: Taschenbuch

Cover Format: 216x216x3 mm

Pages: 42

Weight: 104 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Baby


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Read about the Industrial Revolution and how that societal shift has affected millions of lives. Just imagine how you would feel when you suddenly have to work with machines and live with the pollution. But the Industrial Revolution has paved the way for technology and modernization. Learn all about this interesting phase in history. Grab a copy today.
Information of Author
Baby Professor showcases a collection of subjects that are educational for kids to help them learn how to do something themselves, exactly how something is done or how it came about. Children love to learn through attractive visuals and Baby Prof. is ideal to get your child the head start he or she needs for the future. Our Motto - "Learning is Fun, so let's Make it Fun to Learn".
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