New-Bedford Daily Mercury, Volume 7, No. 1722, Wednesday Morning, July 19, 1837, published by Benjamin Lindsey, printed by J. C. Parmenter, New Bedford, Massachusetts — 4 pages


  • Discount Days at Several Banks in This Town
  • New Arrangement: Accommodation Stage Coaches
  • Notices
  • poem: Animal Magnetical Ode, by Peter Pindar, Jr.
  • Sam Weller's Quest - extract from Pickwick Papers
  • New York papers contain a rumor that the Yazoo arrived at the Quarantine Ground from New Orleans, had spoken with Pocahontas from Liverpool bound to Philadelphia
  • The Rev. Barnabas Bates, new assistant Postmaster
  • Discomfiture of the Reverend Mr. Fisk in his attempt to play the part of a political demagogue
  • Ore-organization of the Patent Office
  • Several houses, and the Friends' Meeting house go up in flames at Charleston
  • Registering of Birth, Deaths, Marriages, etc., required by the Statute
  • Discovery: from the log book of the whale ship Audley Clarke of Capt. Paddock
  • Some particulars of the Mormonites
  • Land Speculations in Lowell in 1832
  • Married: Capt. Charles L. Wood to Elizabeth T. Howland
  • Died:
    • Mrs. Winslow Curtis — Martha M. Curtis, age 28
    • John Ropes Upham, age 9 — 2nd son of Rev. C. W. Upham
    • Faude Ferguson, age 138 — of the Mandingo nation
  • Marine Journal
  • Notices, Prospectuses, To Let, For Sale, Ads, Auctions