This rare and stunning set of hatching eggs is a must-have for any collector or poultry enthusiast. With over 12 eggs in the set, each one is carefully crafted to ensure they are of the highest quality. The eggs are from the Ameraucana breed, known for their unique blue color and superior quality.

Each egg is carefully inspected and graded to ensure they meet our high standards. Fertility is checked often and only eggs laid within the last 3 days will be shipped to you!

Hatching Egg Directions

HomieHomestead 🐓🐥🐣🥚

When you receive your shipped eggs, please allow them to rest in an egg carton, pointy end down for 12-48 hours. Candle the eggs and look for “jiggly” air sacs. If the air sac does not stay firmly in place, I recommend that you begin your incubation with the eggs in an upright position (pointy end down), with the egg turner OFF until you see that the air sacs are no longer moving inside the egg. You can then add your egg turner though some people incubate shipped eggs in the upright position for the entire 21 days. These are some tips from my own experience that I think may help increase your hatch rates on shipped eggs. Please, give your review of us based on your dealings, purchase, process time and communication during the purchase process, not the outcome of your hatch as shipped eggs are ALWAYS a risk!