Complete Aeldari Army, 2000 pts or so, a few models painted well, the rest are primed and ready to paint.

1 Spiritseer, custom staff
10 Wraithguard - 1 painted
6 Windriders, bare heads
1 Warlock skyrunner - partially painted
10 Rangers - 2 Painted
10 Dire Avengers, converted from new warriors, 5 painted well
1 Wave Serpent
2 Wraithlord
2 Wraithseer, custom kitbash, 1 painted well
10 Swooping Hawks, Custom kitbash, plastic and resin.  ! fully painted, 1 partially painted
3 Shining Spears

No offers, US shipping only.  This army is ready to paint and play, just in time for the new codex this summer.  Good Luck!