Newest design - better clearer audio. Simple to set up. These AM Transmitters operates between 1100KHz and 1700KHz in the Medium Waveband (AM Band) and is a reliable and stable design. 

This version complements our other 1 and 4 watt transmitters and is capable of delivering over 25 watt RMS power into a short length aerial. Typical aerial requirement is approximately 10 metres long wire or 5 metre vertical. It can deliver in excess of the specified output. (Power drops off at lower frequencies -see spec below for details on the other versions)

You can expect a range of about 5 miles radius using a single 10 metre long wire, or you can use our vertical whip design for limited garden size. See our website.

The Transmitter circuit design employs a CMOS Phase Locked Loop oscillator circuit for accuracy and ease of frequency selection.  A binary code is created by the 8 position DIP switch. It is also very stable and therefore does not drift off frequency. The Phase Lock circuit provides selection in either 9KHz steps for UK/European Union or 10KHz steps for USA. A suitable Crystal is used for either selection and is selected at time of ordering. A rugged Power MOSFET is also used on the RF output stage, which drives the output toroid and variable tuning capacitor. High voltage rated components are used in the output section.

Audio modulation is series-derived using a high power transistor to achieve maximum modulation of 100% whatever the audio source used, CD player, mixer, PC Bluetooth module.

Audio level is preset internally but it is simple to alter if need be.

Housed in a Steel box with ABS front and rear panels. Ventilation holes to improve air flow for component cooling. Two fans are used in this model.  

This EBAY sale is for a 25 watt transmitter complete with suitable AC mains supply. (24v 3A DC)

For further information please visit