For the context of Kintsugi, this Urushi product is of exceptional quality, crafted in a traditional and authentic manner. It is used for blending with base powders to create fillings, such as Sabi (tonoko & urushi), Mugi-urushi (wheat & urushi), and Kokuso (mugi-urushi & elm).
If you're interested, you can explore our selection of kintsugi books for comprehensive guidance. These resources provide detailed explanations of the blending processes and complete techniques for practicing Kintsugi.
This product comprises unblended urushi.
Raw urushi can be combined with our pigment powders to introduce color and a distinct layer of application. This enhances visibility of each layer added, ensuring crucial brushstrokes aren't missed. Many prefer specific pigment colors for different precious metal powder tones. For instance, red (bengara) urushi is ideal for a golden tonal color, while black urushi is highly recommended for a silvery tonal hue.
Urushi is derived from the sap of the urushi lacquer tree and has served as a natural adhesive and protective lacquer layer in Japan for centuries. It's a key component in kintsugi and Japanese lacquerware. Being natural, it's environmentally responsible when ethically sourced. While raw liquid urushi can trigger skin allergies, post-curing renders it completely safe for food and imparts durable, desirable properties, making it exceptionally suited for long-lasting repairs of ceramics, porcelain, and other items.
This Urushi is specially crafted for traditional Japanese techniques like Kintsugi (golden repair) and Maki-e (traditional lacquer work). We exclusively collaborate with Japanese suppliers and source this product from a reputable Urushi refinery in Japan, in contrast to other suppliers who may withhold such information. Our aim is to offer genuine Japanese urushi for authentic kintsugi ceramic repairs.
Quantity: 20g sealed tube
Color: Raw (beige)
Expiry: It's advisable to use the tube within a year after opening. Store it in a suitable, cool, and dry location.
Our Recommendation:
For the blending of raw urushi and our pigments, we suggest a volume ratio of 1:1. Slowly fold the pigment into the raw urushi for around 2 minutes until the color is fully integrated. To eliminate impurities, you might consider using our urushi filter papers.
Urushi (Urushiol in its non-dried lacquer form) is an organic allergen that can trigger skin rashes similar to poison oak upon contact. Always wear necessary protective gear, such as single-use gloves and appropriate clothing. Avoid testing your tolerance. If contact occurs, thoroughly clean the affected skin with vegetable oil and seek medical attention if needed.
Also, don't miss our selection of low-allergenic Urushi options.