Space Quest II: Chapter II – Vohaul's Revenge, commonly known as Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge, is a graphic adventure game released on November 14, 1987 by Sierra On-Line. It was the sequel to Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter, again using Sierra's AGI game engine.

A comic is included in the manual to explain to the player what events have occurred since Space Quest I, when Roger became Hero of Xenon. The player also learns of the villain Sludge Vohaul, who was behind the original Sarien attack of the Arcada, and how he was driven mad.

Despite his newfound status as hero, Roger is transferred to the Xenon Orbital Station 4 and promoted to Head (and only) Janitor. Space Quest II begins with Roger abducted by Sludge Vohaul's henchmen. As Roger is being transported to the Labion labour mines as punishment for thwarting Sludge's original plan, the prison ship crash-lands in a nearby jungle upon the planet. He manages to escape his pursuers and the dangers of the Labion jungle and soon reaches Sludge's asteroid base, where he must stop Vohaul's evil plan to eradicate sentient life from Xenon by launching millions of cloned insurance salesmen at the planet.

Upon reaching Vohaul's control room, Roger is captured, miniaturized and kept in a glass jar. After escaping his glass prison, he manages to shut down Vohaul's life support system by getting inside the machine, thereby killing his enemy and restoring himself to full size.