Condition is very good. All functions of the watch work.

The clock shows the current time of day in hours and minutes and can be used to sound an alarm at a predetermined moment, that is, as an alarm clock. The schematic diagram of the “Electronics 6.15” watch is shown in Fig. 1.
The clock itself is formed by DD1-DD3 microcircuits of the K176 series and a five-digit luminescent indicator IVL1-7/5 HG1, operating in dynamic indication mode.
Buttons SB1 “Ch” and SB2 “M” are used to set the hours and minutes of the current time, and button SB4 “K” is used to correct the clock using radio signals of the exact time. Buttons SB3 “B”, SB5
“Off alarm” and transistors VT1—VT3 with piezoceramic sound emitter HA1 refer to the alarm clock.
The clock is designed to be powered from a 220 V electric lighting network through a built-in power supply, which provides the clock and signaling device with the necessary AC and DC voltage.
       All parts, except for the fuse and backup battery, are mounted on a printed circuit board measuring 155x70 mm, made of double-sided foil fiberglass. The fuse holder is located on the removable plastic rear wall of the case; There, in a special compartment, the Corundum backup battery is placed. The rectangular hole in the front wall of the case, through which the luminous numbers and indicator dividing points are visible, is covered with a light filter made of transparent green organic glass.
Push-button switches SB1—SB4 (P2K) are mounted directly on the printed circuit board, and SB5 (also P2K) are mounted on plastic stands and are controlled by a key located on the top panel of the case. Trimmer capacitor C1 (KPK-MN) is located at the bottom of the board. Opposite it, a hole is drilled in the bottom of the case, through which you can use a screwdriver to rotate the rotor of this capacitor, adjusting the accuracy of the clock if necessary
Under the rectangular holes in the rear wall of the case, through which the buttons of switches SB1-SB4 protrude, letters are stamped indicating the functional purpose of these switches. Their location should be remembered so that whenever you adjust the current time or set the time of operation of the alarm device, do not turn the clock with the back wall forward, but do it by touch.