All rights reserved. BEAUTIFUL AND HISTORICAL RICHMOND, VA. SERIES. No. 18. IS TWO OVER ONE RAILROAD FARES BOOH AND BOCK) VA. in the world This unique photograph presents to view the only point three unk line trains may cross each other at the sand over their separate tracks. At the top shown a passenger train of the C. & Q Railway leaving Rhond for upper James River Valley: just... beneath train A. L. Railway leaving the Main for the South, and on the ground a train of the Southern Railway coming into Richmond from West Point on the York River. Dear mother to the Italit Furt nou Joune well ght from Younaret, Jouur son 2 Jan 26-1918 45445-Pub. by Southern Bargain House, Richmond, Va. ANCH BURG RS AN APM 131 Kard U.S.POSTAGE ADDRESS ONLY SHET 2 CENTS FOR Mr John Gilden 210 wall st Scollidays burg Pa