Vintage Swirl Ponytail Barbie Head #850 (1964-1965) - Dark Brunette - Ideal for Restoration Enthusiasts

Dive into the world of vintage Barbie restoration with this authentic Swirl Ponytail Barbie head from the 1964-1965 series. This piece offers a wonderful opportunity for enthusiasts looking to bring a piece of Barbie history back to its original splendor.

Key Features:
  • Model: Swirl Ponytail Barbie #850
  • Hair Color: Dark brunette with elegant swirl styling, although it requires a little TLC as a few front hair plugs are missing.
  • Skin Condition: The vinyl skin has darkened slightly with age, typical for dolls of this period, adding to its vintage charm.
  • Earrings: Adorned with modern reproduction pearl earrings that complement her timeless beauty.
  • Unique Condition: Notably free from the common "green ear" issue, making this head a rare find for collectors and restoration aficionados. 
Restoration Potential:
This vintage Barbie head is an excellent candidate for restoration. The missing hair plugs present a manageable challenge for a seasoned restorer or an exciting project for a beginner eager to delve into doll restoration. The slight darkening of the vinyl skin can also be addressed, restoring her to her former glory.

Whether you're a seasoned collector or new to doll restoration, this Swirl Ponytail Barbie head offers a rewarding project. With its distinctive features and absence of "green ear," it stands out as a particularly desirable piece for anyone passionate about preserving the heritage of classic Barbie dolls.

Add this charming vintage Barbie head to your collection and enjoy the satisfaction of bringing a piece of toy history back to life. It's not just a restoration project; it's a resurrection of beauty and nostalgia. Perfect for collectors, hobbyists, and all who cherish vintage Barbie.

"My whole philosophy of Barbie was that through the doll, the little girl could be anything she wanted to be. Barbie always represented the fact that a woman has choices." -Ruth Handler, Former president of Mattel & Inventor of Barbie

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